Dall-E Prompt: Whimsical Girl and Quirky Dog Illustration
DALL-E PROMPT: A whimsical illustration featuring a girl and a quirky dog. The girl has large, expressive [COLOR] eyes and wears a [DESCRIBE OUTFIT, SOCKS, SHOES]. Beside her stand
Dall-E Prompt: Create a minimalist silhouette of a woman in a gla
DALL-E PROMPT: Create a minimalist silhouette of a woman in a glamorous dress and wide-brimmed hat, with an elegant pose and the dress flowing to one side. Use a plain background f
Dall-E Prompt: Female by Klimt and Valerie Neuzil, these two arti
DALL-E PROMPT: Female by Klimt and Valerie Neuzil, semi-transparent, inky realism reminiscent of manga realism, floating in the water, empty void, found footage, static, noisy pixe
Midjourney Prompt: Cinematic Fairytale City Made from Mamaliga
MIDJOURNEY PROMPT: Create a cinematic fairytale-style photo project showcasing an entire city made from Mamaliga (polenta), inspired by the traditional Orheiul Vechi landscape. The
Dall-E Prompt: Fantasy Close-Up of Beautiful Woman
DALL-E PROMPT: Fantasy art , close up , very beautiful young woman with big hazel eyes and long eyelashes , fleshy nose and round face , sensual expression , soft lips , tousled lo