Seed: 38f66f23b5a7840f94a59b613c5d9de8



Imagine a vertical composition divided into four distinct sections, each connected by steps, depicting a journey from pessimism to optimism, back to pessimism, and finally returning to optimism. At the bottom, a figure is seen in contemplation, surrounded by a gloomy urban landscape, symbolizing a starting point of pessimism. As this figure ascends the first set of steps, their expression brightens, and they are greeted by a vibrant natural landscape featuring mountains, rivers, and meadows in bloom, representing an optimistic viewpoint. However, upon advancing to the next level, the scene shifts to a barren desert or a devastated environment, reflecting a descent back into pessimism. At the highest level, the character is encompassed by a beautiful sunrise or a glittering starry sky, symbolizing optimism and hope after overcoming challenges.

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