Seed: 459416233515482


Oil on foil {lake description}, a timeless fantasy of calm and remoteness, of changing seasons, natural beauty, soft light, dream-like.

Lake variations:
– the Buttermere fells seen from the far end of the lake, the lone tree on a rock at the edge of the lake, its shadow is projected on the water
– the Wast Water scree slopes seen from the far end of the lake, the shattered rocks and scree cascading down to the very edge of the lake
– the tiny lake of Tarn Hows, high in the mountain, surrounded by pine trees. A black and white Belted Galloway cow grazes on a hillside that slopes down to the tarn
– the mirror like surface of Coniston lake reflects the low-lying fells that surround it on a cold January morning in 1967. In the far distance Donald Campbell’s Bluebird K7 blue twin-bough hydroplane is throwing up spray

By Les St Clair

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