Seed: 56bb4153f64d3b252d0490c850455c47



3d renders coloured egg, in the style of fluid geometric shapes, ominous vibe, digital gradient blends, aurorapunk, Morandy color scheme, fluid lines and shapes, fluid transitions, ( ( ( pure black background --q 2 --upbeta --s 250 --v 5.1

Create a hyper - realistic, 8K image that showcases a unique egg adorned with a bold pastel - colored pattern. Position this egg within a whimsical, futuristic world reminiscent of a Pixar animation. The image should hint at the egg's potential to crack open, symbolizing the forthcoming emergence of a character from within. This intriguing scene should captivate viewers, making them curious about the impending transformation and the character's potential --v 5.2

Simple line design easter egg on black background --v 5.2

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