Seed: c790729e1ee82697f8683bdec8fb8f81



High resolution photograph of a silhouette of a lone figure, likely a samurai, standing amidst a natural landscape. The figure is adorned with traditional attire, including a wide-brimmed hat, and is holding what appears to be a katana. The backdrop is a serene scene with trees whose branches intertwine, forming a lace-like pattern against the softly illuminated sky, suggesting it might be either dawn or dusk. The light filters through the trees, creating a hazy, ethereal atmosphere. The ground is uneven, and the figure stands on what seems to be a ridge, with a suggestion of a valley or lower terrain beyond. The overall mood is contemplative and calm, with a strong sense of solitude. --ar 9:16 --s 50 --v 6.0

By who99

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